Assessment: Psychological, Psychoeducational, Career

Multi-Modal Assessment & Diagnosis of Learning Difficulties/Disabilities/ADHD:

Children, Adolescents & college students/Adults

Assessment of various areas of functioning is provided – including, mental/cognitive abilities, academic achievement/performance/skills, attention, concentration and executive functioning, social-emotional-behavior functioning and development – and is integrated with information collected from Parents, Educators and/or Child health professionals. Furthermore, information regarding the developmental history, mental and physical health review of previous psychoeducational assessments and report cards/samples of schoolwork by Child/Adolescent are used and integrated into a comprehensive evaluation.

By the end of assessment, a detailed and comprehensive report with assessment results is provided and presented to the family and Child/Adolescent. The assessment results are coupled with specific accommodations, therapeutic goals, and interventions. Psychoeducational therapy services are also provided (please review section on Child/Adolescent therapy services)

The assessment process can be conducted in Greek, English or in both languages.

The assessment (and the specific tests that are part of the assessment) can be adjusted according to the needs and requests of each individual.

Some of the psychometric tests that are used include intelligence and cognitive ability tests – WISC-III/IV/V, WAIS III/IV, academic assessment according to the curriculum and other tests of academic achievement (e.g. Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement-IV, Athena Test, WRAT 4, WIAT III), cognitive processing tests (e.g., Visual and Aural Digit Span, Bender-Gestalt II test of visual-motor development and maturity, Beery-Buktenica Visual-Motor Integration test), neuropsychology tests (e.g., NEPSY II, BRIEF 2, Stroop – Color and Word Test), projective tests for personality assessment (e.g., Child Apperception Test, Thematic Apperception Test, etc.) and other objective tests (e.g., Beck Youth Inventory II – Self Concept, Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Disruptive Behavior, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Adolescent Version, etc.), questionnaires for social-emotional-Behavior functioning (i.e., Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment, Conner Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scale). Each assessment is tailor-made to the needs of each Child/Adolescent and may include a school visit and/or consultation with the Educators and/or Child/Adolescent health professionals. In addition, our psychoeducational comprehensive assessments provide extensive analysis based on standardized test scores with recommendations with eligibility to receive accommodations in Learning Support Centers, International Schools (e.g., International General Certificate of Secondary Education International Baccalaureate programs), and Colleges/Universities.

Comprehensive psycho-educational assessments last between 4-6 hours and cost starts at 600€ in English and/or in Greek.

Assessment meetings are arranged with the Institute’s Secretary at Tel: + 30 210 6128950 or by e-mail:

“Assessment is conducted through psychometric tools (e.g., tests, questionnaires, scales, inventories), interviews and discussions with family members and significant others (e.g., Educators, Child health professionals) and Behavior observation”.

Assessments: Career Assessment, Guidance & Development:

Children, Adolescents, College Students & Adults

Our career assessment, guidance and development programs are tailor-made to the needs of college students and/or Adults who need guidance to better understand their educational and professional strengths and difficulties and provide guidance during their decision-making process. This program includes five (5) meetings of career assessment and guidance for college students and/or Adults (each meeting lasts approximately one hour).

This career assessment, guidance and development program includes two types of assessments and interventions: a) a quantitative procedure (ARISTON Test page2.html – in Greek) plus other career test in English (e.g., 16 PF, Myer’s Briggs, etc.) and, b) a qualitative procedure (the Social-Cognitive context of assessment and career counseling of Lent, Brown and Hackett, 1994) in combination with the RECBT approach which has been used effectively in career counseling and guidance (i.e., Richman, 1993).

The ARISTON test is a career assessment system which was developed by Computer Academy Ltd. and is composed of assessment of personality, talents, abilities, skills, and interests. After the Ariston test, the person will have a very clear image regarding studies and professions that are more suitable for him/her. This will help him/her to make more informed decisions in the future. The ARISTON test is designed for junior high-school and high-school students, and for Adults who wish to broaden their interests to study at a university level and for those who wish to learn more about their talents and abilities. It is important to mention that one and only testing is not adequate for a career development planning process. For this reason, our career program includes qualitative assessment of further cognitions, emotions, and behaviors plus a discussion about how quantitative and qualitative information is integrated to help people make informed and rational decisions.

“Our career assessment, guidance and development programs are tailor-made to the needs of college students and/or Adults who need guidance to better understand their educational and professional strengths and difficulties and provide guidance during their decision-making process”.

Our career assessment, guidance and development programs are tailor-made to the needs of college students and/or Adults who need guidance to better understand their educational and professional strengths and difficulties and provide guidance during their decision-making process. This program includes five (5) meetings of career assessment and guidance for college students and/or Adults (each meeting lasts approximately one hour).

This career assessment, guidance and development program includes two types of assessments and interventions: a) a quantitative procedure (ARISTON Test page2.html – in Greek) plus other career test in English (e.g., 16 PF, Myer’s Briggs, etc.) and, b) a qualitative procedure (the Social-Cognitive context of assessment and career counseling of Lent, Brown and Hackett, 1994) in combination with the RECBT approach which has been used effectively in career counseling and guidance (i.e., Richman, 1993).

The ARISTON test is a career assessment system which was developed by Computer Academy Ltd. and is composed of assessment of personality, talents, abilities, skills, and interests. After the Ariston test, the person will have a very clear image regarding studies and professions that are more suitable for him/her. This will help him/her to make more informed decisions in the future. The ARISTON test is designed for junior high-school and high-school students, and for Adults who wish to broaden their interests to study at a university level and for those who wish to learn more about their talents and abilities. It is important to mention that one and only testing is not adequate for a career development planning process. For this reason, our career program includes qualitative assessment of further cognitions, emotions, and behaviors plus a discussion about how quantitative and qualitative information is integrated to help people make informed and rational decisions.